Thursday, May 14, 2020


                  Thurs 14May2020  TRACKING FEDERAL JUDGE MARTIAL STATUS?
Ann Montgomery - Ballotpedia
April 24, 2020
Attorney General Ellison defends Minnesotans from video harassment
Intervenes to defend constitutionality of state anti-harassment law in federal lawsuit filed by plaintiff who has videotaped congregants at Bloomington mosque that was bombed in 2017

                    Image of Ann Montgomery       QUESTIONS
                      Case No. 19-cv-2882 (ADM/DTS) Hon. Ann D. Montgomery
CITY OF BLOOMINGTON; MICHAEL O. FREEMAN, in his official capacity as Hennepin County Attorney; TROY MEYER, individually and in his official capacity as a police officer, City of Bloomington; MIKE ROEPKE, individually and in his official capacity as a police officer, City of Bloomington, Defendants, and ATTORNEY GENERAL FOR THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, Intervenor.
                         Hard Tracking  Federal Judge Ann
Cpl JamesR.AndersonUSMC11022885DAV 22001L12944COVA 03-0639
Montgomery  re USSC 10-1032 itled Magner vs Gallagher and
Jr,Willy 8th Cir 1997
                     Affiant to save her 2nd husbands life sued in Federal Court Judge Ann Montgomery complicit with Lonnie BryonxxxxUS Attry locked the Federal Couorthouse door,
                    Affiant at that time did not know her husband was at Brainard State Hospital for 1 year, subsequently Jim was Murdered 21Sept2000  20 years ago  Forensic Files still on Web.
AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi commented:
It is no surprise Minnesota’s Attorney General has intervened in this lawsuit to oppose the First Amendment in favor of protecting Islam from public criticism of any sort.  Attorney General Ellison is a former member of the anti-American, Jew-hating Nation of Islam, an admirer of the rabid black racist Louis Farrakhan, and a card-carrying supporter of, and fundraiser for, the Muslim Brotherhood in America.  Ellison’s brief opposing this lawsuit is a tutorial on how Sharia-centric Muslims and progressives seek to destroy our fundamental liberties in the name of protecting Islam from legitimate criticism.”
Sharon Anderson aka Scarrella 651-776-5835
LEGAL NOTICE: /s/ ECF_P165913Pacersa1299 telfx: 651-776-5835:
Attorney ProSe_InFact,Private Attorney General QuiTam Whistleblower, 

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